Jockey Box


The club has an awesome 6 tap jockey box. We use  it during meetings, at the farmers market, club parties and anywhere else they let us serve beer or soda.

And you can use it too! Just fill out the sign up sheet and submit a topic on the Google groups to communicate with the club for pick up and drop off.

Sign Up Sheet

Google Group

As always with privilege, comes rules, but these are simple.

1. You provide the C02. The jockey box does not come with any gas side fittings, connections, manifolds, regulators or tanks.

2. Please clean the lines. It may be a month or more before the jockey box is used after you. Please make sure it is clean for the next user. PBW>Water>StarSan would be ideal, but StarSan/other sanitizer only would be acceptable.

3. Respect the Box, treat the Box as your own. Return it as you got it.