Membership is $20 per year per household. All members are expected to review and abide by the Club By-Laws. Please feel free to contact club leadership if there are any questions or concerns.
To pay from a phone, scan the QR code below or follow this link to a mobile payment through the PayPal app. This option has the lowest fees for us!
To pay from the PayPal website, navigate to
If you are a new member, please also email with your full name, preferred email address, and PayPal confirmation number. This will make sure we get you connected with the email list, the link to the Discord chat server, and information about the club.
Alternately, club leadership can take cash at a monthly meeting, Taproom Takeover, or other event on our calendar. Everyone is welcome to join a meeting to meet other members before committing to membership. We would love to share a drink with you!
Member benefits:
- Access to the Google Group email and Discord chat
- Access to club barrel projects and group buys
- Participation in club experiments and group brews
- Monthly social and educational meetings and events
- And much more!

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