Category Archives: events

NBA Winter Party/High Gravity Comp/Officer Election

Thanks to everyone that came out to the Winter Party this last weekend, it was a great time.

We had three beers on tap, a Mild, Flanders Red from our barrel project, and an IPA made on our club system. The food members brought was plentiful and excellent, we showed again that great brewers can also make great food.

Nathan G. brought a bunch of specialty grain he picked up from Bauhaus that members were free to take. There was Light Crystal,  Dark Crystal, Pale Rye, Chocolate Rye and Pale Chocolate.  Most of it went home with members, which was awesome. Included in the grain from Bauhaus was a large amount of base grain, which we will use to make beer on the club system!

Congratulations to Carl Allen for winning the High Gravity Competition with an 11% Stout.

Congratulations Tyler Bye for winning the election to the Director of Finance position.  Tyler has been a member since 2011 and previously held the Director of Ops position. Its great to have his knowledge, experience and dedication back in a leadership role in the club.

Be sure to re-new your membership. You can do so online here: Join or Re-new Today! or you can re-new in person at our next meeting, February 18th, 7pm at Northern Brewer Minneapolis. We will see you then!

The NBA 2016 winter party is nigh

Each year in January we host a party where members bring food and beer, we hang out, have a high gravity club competition and vote on officers.

Active 2015 club members are invited. This is your best chance to renew your membership to maintain your homebrew store and beer store discounts. Check your email inbox for more info. The NBA leadership looks forward to partying with you all!

FYI, this is in place of the Janurary meeting, so no Thursday night meeting this month.




September Monthly Meeting Thursday the 17th, 7 PM @ ESNS

Join us at the East Side Neighborhood Services main room for our September monthly meeting @7PM. We will be talking about all of the great events we have coming up in the next two months and tasting 10 surly wort rally beers that our members fermented. This should be awesome as brewers got really creative with these beers!

Brewer Yeast Additions?
Tyler Bye Wyeast Abbey Ale II 2lbs dried Apricots
Aaron Bach PC Farmhouse 3lbs Peaches
Aaron De Boer Brett B and Brett C 60oz Canned Boysenberries
Jed Hicks German Ale 4 Peeled and Cored Pineapples
Perrin Bishop-Wright California Ale Dry Hopped
Chad Oesterreich Belgian High Gravity
Nick Pederson French Saison 5 lbs of Marquette Grapes (st. croix vineyards)
Adrian Swanson PC Farmhouse
Richard Pizarro French Saison 6 lbs plums


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Big River Homebrew Competition 2015


The Nordeast Brewers Alliance, in coordination with Eastside Neighborhood Services and their Big River Brewfest, are proud to put on the 4th annual Nordeast Big River Homebrew Competition.

Our AHA/BJCP sanctioned homebrew competition is in its 4th year and is planned to be bigger than ever. A lower entry free, twice as many drop off locations and a lot  of advertising will mean more participants and more beer. Not to mention nationally recognized BJCP judges and a great judging location provided by ESNS.

Check out the competition website for more information and get those beers brewed and packaged for Northeast Minneapolis’ premier homebrew competition.

2015 Single Hop Tasting @ Northgate Brewing



This Tuesday we bring our beer back to the place it was born. 

On May 2nd Tuck, Northgate’s headbrewer, mashed up a wort for 25 brewers to apply a single hop to. From Ahtanum to Zythos, members chose a hop to showcase in this IPA. 

These beers will be served at a private event this Tuesday at Northgate brewing. Doors open at 6:30 with the tasting starting at 6:45. 

Pizza and other items will be ordered from parkway pizza. We will be collecting $10 at the door to cover the cost. Please bring cash. 

A hug thanks goes out to Northgate, specifically Adam, Tuck and Barb, as well as all of the NBA brewers. 

We hope to see everyone at Northgate this Tuesday. 

FYI: This event is our monthly meeting. There will NOT be a meeting at ESNS on Thursday. 

March Recap

March Meeting
This month the good folks at Midwest Supplies hosted our meeting, as EastSide Neighborhood Services has tax preparation services happening. We are really asking members to step up and host “brew with a member days” for new members or for friends of the club who might be interested in getting into home brewing. From the surveys taken at the February meeting, Minneapolis residents are interested in getting the water tested, and will be coordinated for those interested to pitch in and get water tested. Folks are interested in doing a swap meet, which we will combine with another event in the coming months.

Continue reading March Recap